Why Student Voice

School News Network (SNN)

SNN Series Part 1
What is it like to be a high school student today?

What’s life like for a high school student in 2023? In a six-part series, 10 students from all corners of Kent County talk about their pressures, stressors and happy places.

Read Full Article: What is it like to be a high school student today?

SNN Series Part 2
How big an issue is mental health at your school?

High school panelists share what they think are the strengths of and challenges to finding support.

Read Full Article: How big an issue is mental health at your school?

SNN Series Part 3
What would you like adults to know about what your life is like?

Our student panelists unload about the pressures of high school life, getting those good grades and living up to their families’ expectations.

Read Full Article: What would you like adults to know about what your life is like?

SNN Series Part 4
How much of a problem is social media, and how do we fix it?

Our student panelists say TikTok, Instagram and other social media are breeding insecurity and rewiring their brains in unhealthy ways.

Read Full Article: How much of a problem is social media, and how do we fix it?

SNN Series Part 5
How safe do you feel in your school?

Our student panelists talk about the toll school shootings take on their sense of safety, and what needs to be done to curb the plague of gun violence in schools.

Read Full Article: How safe do you feel in your school?


SNN Series Part 6
What do you like best about school?

In this final installment of our student roundtable, the high school panelists share what they enjoy about school, and what makes them feel connected.

Read Full Article: What do you like best about school?

The Future of Learning Lies in Engagement

As schools recover and rebuild, the best paths forward will be those that boost students’ engagement with their learning and their lives.

Read Full Article: The Future of Learning Lies in Engagement